This cookie policy applies to the website (hereinafter: Website).

The cookie is a small file consisting of letter and number characters. When a visitor enters a website, it is downloaded to online devices (e.g. computer hard drive, telephone), thus storing unique information about the Visitor. As a result, the Visitor will no longer have to select this information or unique information during the next visits to the website. Most major websites use such cookies.

We use the following cookies on this Website:

Cookie name Cookie function / purpose of data management Cookie Lifetime, validity Information collected and managed by cookies
functional cookie (PHPSESSID) Session tracking From page loading to the end of the browsing session Browser settings
tracking cookie (cookie_notice_accepted) Accept cookie law 3 days Have the cookies used on this website been accepted? (true/false)
tracking cookie (wordpress_logged_in) Sign-in tracking From page loading to the end of the browsing session The user is logged in to the page
tracking cookie (wordpress_sec) Session tracking From page loading to the end of the browsing session Browser settings
tracking cookie (wp-settings-1) Browser settings tracking 1 year Browser settings
tracking cookie (wp-settings-time) In which time zone is the User 1 year Time zone of the browser
analytical cookie (Google Analytics cookie) Gathering information about how visitors use the site 1 year which part of the website they clicked on, how long each visit / session was

Third-party cookies

We use third party tools (e.g. Facebook) to improve the user experience. Because this site cannot block or control third-party cookies, please visit the service’s website to learn about their cookie policy.

How to disable and / or remove cookies:

Previously set, enabled cookies can be disabled or blocked later in your browser settings. It is important to note that disabling cookies may affect certain functions.

If you want to view the contents of the cookie, click on the cookie itself and you will see a short line of text and numbers.

If you need more information, write to us at!

We use cookies to improve the user experience.